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"I equip online business owners with the tools they need to build fortified brands and work with them to develop goal-aligned and profit-driving marketing strategies."


Renee Jamerson has more than 15 years of experience in the marketing & communications arena with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing Administration from one of the top business schools in New York City. She has written copy that has generated millions of dollars in revenue and is now using her expertise to help emerging business owners start living the lives they desire with effective marketing and branding that gets you on the pathway to financial independence and time freedom. 


Even if this is your first business endeavor - through consulting, coursework and/or products developed around her 3E Principles - Empower, Equip and Elevate, Renee will work with you to develop the skills and knowledge you need to get you on your way to success.


With a track record of being thorough and insightful, whether content strategy or brand building, Renee will take you on a journey from setup to results, teaching you to

build for longevity, not just today.


You can live the life you picture and leave a legacy that will have future generations in your family yelling “Thank you!"

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Hey, I'm Renee!

Client Experience

We work with businesses to strategically plan, develop and distribute customer-centric and brand-conscious content that attracts their target audience and increases sales.

"You're very thorough and that I appreciate. I wish you lots of success and more clients."

                                                          - Marita Williams                                        

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"Renee has come through for me once again. When building this new site I was extremely excited for the assessment. I learned so much through my previous assessment with Renee I was excited for her to review this site with hope that she would see progress in my building skills."


                                                             - Unique Campbell                      

"I signed up for a website assessment with Renee and it was everything! She gave me tips on how to add more personal value to my website so my customers could have a better understanding of who I am and what my brand is about. She gave me simple gestures that makes it easier for my customers to navigate my website. Can't wait to work with her again."

                                                                     - Miya Marie

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"I had a few of the tools (like a monthly calendar and Hootsuite), but you just helped me put it all together where it makes even more sense now."

                                                                     - Bree Caldwell

"You snapped me back into reality when I needed it. and I thank you for that."

                                                          - Justin Beltran, Client since 2012

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